How to register for nigeria police cmris

Have you gotten your e-CMR Certificate? Or are you are new car owner and wondering what the Central Motor Registry (CMR) means? What is the Central Motor Registry (CMR)? The Central Motor Registry (CMR) is a centralized database that is owned, managed and monitored by the Nigerian Police force. It stores information about vehicles and […]

tint permit in nigeria

police tint permit in nigeria

To obtain a tinted permit, start by registering your vehicle on the new police e-CMR portal. This process usually takes about 3 minutes. We’ve provided a detailed guide on how to complete the registration on the e-CMR portal here. After registering your vehicle on the e-CMR portal, you’ll need to wait for validation. Typically, it […]

How to Find a Stolen Car Without a GPS Car Tracker in Nigeria

Finding a stolen car without a GPS car tracker in Nigeria has never been easy, as the only option available to someone who just lost their car was to visit the nearest police station to file a report and hope that the Nigerian police would live up to their billing. However, over the years, this […]

Car Tracker Companies in Lagos » Definitive Guide

car tracker companies in Lagos

Choosing the best car tracker companies in Lagos could be a challenge for some car owners seeking to secure their car with a reliable company. Lagos state is known to be a notorious city and over the years it has grown to become even worst. Little wonder it was Ranked as the World’s Second Worst […]

Car Tracker Companies in Abuja » In-Depth Reviews

We evaluate the Best auto tracker companies in Abuja as well as some qualities to keep an eye out for. We have put together all the information you need to know about car tracker companies in Abuja. IMPORTANT READ!

Car Tracker Companies in Port Harcourt » Full Comparison Guide

car tracking companies in port harcourt

We review the Best auto tracker companies in Port Harcourt as well as some qualities to look out for. We have compiled all the info you need to know about car tracker companies in Port Harcourt. IMPORTANT READ! Undeniably, there are several companies that offer car tracking services in Port Harcourt. It is advisable to […]

Car Tracker Companies in Ilorin » Pick Your Plan

Car Tracker Companies in Ilorin

We review the Best vehicle tracker companies in Ilorin and also some qualities to keep an eye out for. We have compiled all the info you need to know about auto tracker companies in Ilorin. MUST READ!